Zareef Ahmed : Bigdata and Devops Consultant + Programmer for cloud

How to integrate Magento and Drupal?

How to integrate Magento and Drupal?

Magento is one of popular and robust e-commerce system which is based on the Zend Framework by Zend. It gives good tools and mechanism to operate your e-commerce websites and even multiple stores on different urls via single admin section.

Drupal is one of the best open source CMS having power of ease of use and lots of available modules which helps to build new functionality for users. It has powerful cck module for managing different meta values of a content entity. View helps to give representation of data in drag and drop kind of interface.

Now Magento and Drupal can be integrated with each other thanks to open source and free modules/extension which are available.


Drupal extension for Magento

Magento provides and extension for integrating Drupal into magento.

As per details given by the developer of Drupal extension :-

Drupal extension is a set of Core API extensions that offers a full access for Drupal modules  to Orders, Catalog and so on. This extension, will offer you to TOTALLY bypass Magento front office, using Drupal instead. When a new user is created a Magento user is automatically created also. Orders can be created from Drupal, cart is managed from Drupal. Catalog is syncrhonized, so each Magento Product is a Drupal node that you can push into Views, etc.


Magento module for Drupal

Drupal provides a Magento module which helps to import many magento entities in drupal as cck and you can also use views to customize your presentation layer.


As per details given by the development team at Drupal :-